Send SMS (Multiple)

Send SMS Request (Multiple)


This endpoint allows you to send SMS to multiple users

Note the msg_ids in the response body can be used to track the delivery status on a request when notifications are sent to the callback URL.

Also, you must check which API-Key you're using while sending sms. A coop API-Key must be used when sending sms with a coop sender_id while an open API-Key must be used when sending sms with an open bind sender_id.


    "status": "ok",
    "description": "Request processed successfully",
    "msg_ids": "+23470370******|eae27c03-0092-4310-b99a-28daf06****,+23470370******|7c7cd1b2-228f-4091-bec4-2da61275****"

If you intend to send the same message to multiple recipients in a single request, separate each recipient with a comma “,” as seen in the sample JSON request body below.


"sender_id" : "TEST SENDER",

"recipients" : "070********,071********,072******** ",

"msg" : "Hello world!",

"type": 1


Last updated